Scientific Publications

  • Torta, E., Cuijpers, R.H., Juola, J.F. & Pol, D. van der (2012). Modelling and testing proxemic behaviour for humanoid robots. International Journal of Humanoid Robotics, 09(4):1250028.
  • Navarro, N., Weber, C., Schroeter, P., Wermter, S. (2012). Real-world reinforcement learning for autonomous humanoid robot docking. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Vol. 60, Issue 11, pp. 1400-1407..
  • M. Simonov, M. Bazzani, A. Frisiello (2012). Ubiquitous Monitoring & Service Robot for Care. Proceedings of KI-2012 conference, Germany.
  • Mikhail Simonov, Antonella Frisiello, Marco Bazzani (2012). Using humanoid robot in ambient-assisted living. Global Telemedicine and eHealth Updates: Knowledge Resources, 5, 438-442.
  • Georg Edelmayer, Georg Ehrenfels, Christian Beck, Peter Mayer, and Paul Panek (2012). Prototyping a LED Projector Module Carried by a Humanoid Nao Robot to Assist Human Robot Communication by an Additional Visual Output Channel. Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference Assistive Technologies (AT 2012).
  • P. Panek, C. Beck, R. Cuijpers, G. Edelmayer, P. Mayer, W.L. Zagler (2012). KSERA: Making video communication mobile by using a small humanoid social assistive robot. Proceedings of AAL Forum 2012, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, September 2012.
  • Torta, E., Heumen, J. van, Cuijpers, R. H., & Juola, J. F. (2012). How Can a Robot Attract the Attention of Its Human Partner? A Comparative Study over Different Modalities for Attracting Attention. In S. S. Ge, O. Khatib, J.-J. Cabibihan, R. Simmons, & M.-A. Williams (Eds.), Social Robotics (pp. 288–297). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
  • Torta, E., Cuijpers, R. H., & Juola, J. F. (2012). Dynamic neural field as framework for behaviour coordination in mobile robots. In World Automation Congress (WAC), 2012 (pp. 1–6).
  • Heinrich, S., Folleher, P., Springstübe, P., Strahl, E., Twiefel, J., Weber, C., Wermter, S. (2012). Object Learning with Natural Language in a Distributed Intelligent System - A Case Study of Human-Robot Interaction. Proceedings of the IEEE First International Conference on Cognitive Systems and Information Processing (CSIP 2012).
  • Meins, N., Jirak, D., Weber, C., Wermter, S. (2012). Adaboost and Hopfield Neural Networks on Different Image Representations for Robust Face Detection.. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS 2012), pp. 531-536.
  • Others


    (2010, 4, 7). TU/e haalt robots in huis, de Weekkrant Groot Eindhoven. Weekkrant Groot Eindhoven. Dutch
    Pil, A. (2010, 4, 1). TUE leidt Europees robotproject rond huishoudhulpjes. Mechatronica Magazine. Dutch
    TJ (2010, 4, 1). TU/e leider Europees project huisrobots. Cursor. Dutch
    Schop, E. (2010, 3, 31). Huisrobot helpt zieke bejaarden langer zelfstandig wonen.. Automatiserings Gids. Dutch
    (2010, 3, 31). Huisrobot moet ouderen helpen. Dutch
    Workum, R. (2010, 3, 31). Robot helpt zieke ouderen in thuissituatie. Techzine. Dutch